Thursday, January 22, 2009

A smokey bruised ego

U.S. secret service agents have had a lot of work protecting President Obama not only from the numerous threats received daily, but also from his hot tempered wife. Michelle Obama is known in their "inner circle" to verbally abuse, spit, slap, or punch anyone who disagrees or challenges her. On several occasions during the campaign a detailed secret service agent had to physically restrain Michelle after becoming enraged and almost striking both her husband and daughters. Unfortunately, staffers are not afforded such protection and receive the majority of her abuse.

Nerves seem to be getting the best of President Obama and his long time crutch, cigarettes, are making a strong come back. One of the first renovations requested to be completed upon arrival of President Obama was a "smoke zapper" in the oval office so he could have his required smoke after meals, stress, or sex. He has even tasked his secretary to make sure at least two packs of his favorite brand, Marlboro lights, are stashed in the back of his left-hand desk drawer at all times.

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